
Jame Mosque of Ka’aj


This mosque is located in north of Zayandeh Rood and 24km far from Isfahan. Its history backs to 8th century Hijri-Qamari. The plane of the mosque includes four domed rooms within three entrance gate from north, east and west sides. The mehrab is located in south side and the balcony is in north side with 71m width and 81m depth. The most used materials in this building are bricks and the triple gateways have arches. The walls are designed with brick work and in the southern side of the prayers hall there is a beautiful rectangular mehrab.

The square figure of the room changes to octagon by eight arches and the bricks also become light colored from this part and the figure of the bricks changes to simple. The interior of the arches are designed with simple stalactite work from middle of the arches. The exterior of the arches are made of flat bricks which the joints are filled alternatively by yellow and white colors plaster. The upper part of the octagon is changed to sixteen sides by sixteen arches which its interior design is made of simple brick work and the upper part design is composed of a transverse inscription that is made of blued tiles and contains some Ayahs of Ya’asin Surah of Quran.


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