Mirza Agha Mahmoud (Hakim Bashi) Mosque of Tehran
کلیدواژه (keyword) : Mirza Aqa Mahmoud Mosque of Tehran, the historical mosques of Iran,the ancient mosques of Iran, the old mosques of Iran, the center of supervision on mosques affairs, mosques of Tehran, masjed

This mosque belongs to the late years of Safavid era and is located in Pamear Street of Tehran. It was registered by Cultural Heritages Org of Tehran in 1363 Hijri Shamsi. The mosque is nominated in the same name with Mirza Ahmad Hakim Bashi who had been living in fathali Shah’s era.the building includes dome room, balcony in one side within shabestan and eight rooms in the other side. There are also two more balconies in the others sides. In fact the total number of the balconies is three. The dome room has two entrances which each one has semi arches, hashti and corridor (Dalani) and both of them open into the courtyard. According to its inscription, this mosque was built in 1257. The mentioned inscription was built by Haj Mohammad Isfahani.

mirza aqa mahmoud